Thomas Edison's Greenhouse at Glenmont

Thomas Edison's Greenhouse at Glenmont Tour Video

Thomas Edison's Glenmont Greenhouse Tour

As a child Thomas Edison was one of my heros. I recently had the opportunity to tour his Glenmont estate in New Jersey.

Most people don’t realize, but Edison had a keen interest in gardening, botany, and the properties of plants. One of his major pursuits was to find a domestic source of rubber, during the first world war.

Edison’s Glenmont estate has an impressive greenhouse, which I was able to explore. Several of the plants I had never seen before, the most amazing one is at the end of this video.

One of the volunteer workers told me that Edison ordered it as a kit.

I noticed that the workers were using old-school moisture meters, so I sent them a free Vegetronix Soil Moisture Meter.